Jackson & Mason Dream Big

“Mason & Jackson Dream Big” is a children’s activity book for the St. Johhs County Sheriff’s office. The horses are real deputy horses on the force. The narration was to illustrate 7 pages of a story about these horses journery into becoming deputy horses.
The target audience are for kids ages 10 and below in the St. John’s County’s Office. This children’s activity book has simple puzzles they can solve while reading the story about Jackson and Mason.
The challenge was to illustrate the accuracy of the horses to depict that they aren’t just any random horse but the characters on the front page, Jackson and Mason. Another factor was to position the pages for kids to be engaged with. For example, how to place the word problem page but not leaving it entirely blank as that is not interesting at all. Working with my supervisors, I found various ways to communicate the story and how the pages look for a kid to understand the background of deputy horses.